Frequently Asked Questions

How would I know if I need my colon cleansed?

1. Do you eliminate 20 minutes after each meal?

2. Is your fecal matter thick and approximately 10-12 inches long?

3. Is your elimination smooth without straining?

4. Is the color light or medium?

5. Is your breath normally fresh?

6. Are you able to maintain a normal elimination without the use of a laxative or stool softeners?

Is Colon Cleansing safe?

Yes, Colon Cleansing is safe as long as you give us the correct information for your health history. If you have any of the following, we ask that you get a prescription or letter from your primary physician, starting that you may have your colon cleansed.

Abdominal Hernia, Recent Abdominal Surgery, Abdominal Tumors, Abdominal Distention, Acute Liver Failure, Aneurysm – ALL TYPES, severe anemia, Carcinoma, Cardiac Conditions, Crohn's Disease, Colitis, Dialysis, Diverticulitis, Fissures, Fistulas, Hemorrhaging, Hemorrhoidectomy, Intestinal Perforations, Lupus, Pregnant, Rectal/Colon Surgery and Renal Insufficiencies.

Is Colon Therapy Painful?

Generally there is no pain. There might be muscle (peristalsis) contractions that feel like cramping or gas. Most people find after having Colonics (Colon Cleansed) It has a relaxing effect on the body.

Will Colon Therapy help me lose weight?

This definitely won't hurt. Most people carry approximately 10 pounds or more of impacted feces in their bowels.

Can Colon Therapy wash away all bacteria, even good?

No, What we do not realize is the colon does not function properly because of built up feces, because of this there is no way possible for your body to create friendly probiotics and flora on it's own. Most people, due to many years of unhealthy eating, lack of exercise and poor elimination, have an alkaline colon. So, it's a good thing to cleanse away the bacteria in an alkaline colon.

What happens during the Colon Therapy session?

You will be laying on an open system covering yourself with a drape. During the session you will be laying on your back with your legs straddling the system. You will insert a disposable speculum (a small piece of plastic tubing) into your rectum. The room is reserved for 45 minutes and the session average 30-40 minutes. You can watch a video of how this works on our About Us page.


How many Colonics should I have?

We recommend a minimum of 2 back to back sessions. While we offer packages of multiple sessions (clients report more significant releases with each session). This is due to the colon being partially hydrated and flushing out impacted matter that has been softened.

Where are toxins stored?

They are found throughout the entire body. Toxins are eliminated through the colon, liver, kidneys, skin and lungs. If the body is not able to get rid of the toxins, they will be stored in the tissues of the body.

What should I expect?

Benefits from Colonics include;

1. Cleansing, toxic materials being broken down and released so they can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation or elimination

2. Exercise, the gentle infusion of water combined with emptying of the colon causes peristaltic activity, natural bowel movements

3. Reshapes, over time the natural shape may become distorted, which may cause more colon problems. After Colonics, the colon will begin to regain it's original shape.

What are other benefits of Colonics?

According to Dr. Arthur E Brawer, “colon hydrotherapy may be helpful for issues such as, sinus drainage, allergies, acne, memory loss, brittle hair, cold hands and feet, constipation, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, mouth sores, poop posture, joint aches, asthma, body odor, chronic fatigue, spastic colon, headaches, MS, peptic ulcers, seizures and chest pain.”


Is Colon Cleansing safe?  Yes, colon cleansing is safe as long as you give us the correct information for your health history.  If you have any of the following, we may ask that you get a prescription or letter from your physician, stating that you may have your colon cleansed.

Abdominal  Hernia, recent Abdominal Surgery, Abdominal Tumors, Abdominal Distention, Acute Liver Failure, Aneurysm- ALL TYPES, Severe Anemia, Carcinoma, Colitis, Dialysis, Renal Insufficiencies, Cardiac Conditions, Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Fissures, Fistulas, Hemorrhaging, Hemorrhoidectomy, Intestinal perforations, Lupus, Pregnant, Rectal/Colon surgery.